M.M.'s Maze Madness
A "recreation" of a lost game I remember from one of those "500 Best Games for Windows 95/98" CD-ROMs: find the key hidden in the 3-D maze and make it back in time, watching out for obstacles! If you're keen-eyed, spot the bird and jump to touch it to get to the key fast!
If you're willing to download it, the offline version has better performance and slightly nicer graphics than the HTML5 version embedded above.
I built this game in to learn Godot 4.4, get comfortable with procedural generation of (simple) levels, mess with using instanced meshes to provide scene details, and play around with the maze game loop. The few 3D models in the game were built in Blender 4.3. The devlog goes into a bit more detail about some of the optimizations to make this work well.
Read each line as [Usecase]/[Asset + Author]/[URL]/[License] (CC0 = Creative Commons 0 License, A3.0 = Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, A4.0 = Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, OFL = SIL Open Font License)
Spooky Music/ Sly Piano Instrumental [Loop] by NearTheAtmoshphere/ https://freesound.org/s/707613/ CC0
Normal Music/ Relaxing Chiptune Music by Migfus20/ https://freesound.org/s/683268/ A4.0
Normal Music (alt)/ Relaxing Chiptune Music by Migfus20/ https://freesound.org/s/679054/ A4.0
Menu Music/ Chiptune Adventure Music by Migfus20/ https://freesound.org/s/683267/ A4.0
Game Over/ horn_fail_wahwah_2.wav by TaranP/ https://freesound.org/s/362205/ / CC0
Key Pickup/ Chime by schreibsel/ https://freesound.org/s/539915/ / CC0
Win Sound/ Voice_Crowd_Small_Expression_Applause_Cheer_Stereo by Nox_Sound/ https://freesound.org/s/752709/ / CC0
Coin Pickup/ Sound 2.mp3 by GOSFX/ https://freesound.org/s/323402/ / A3.0
Snake Hiss/ Snake hissing.mp3 by schreibsel-- https://freesound.org/s/540162/ / CC0
Quicksand/ Steps_Fine_Snow_Or_Sand_Strong_08 by BlondPanda/ https://freesound.org/s/778546/ / CC0
Spike/Scissor.wav by jjhouse4/ https://freesound.org/s/197989/ -- A4.0
grass05.png texture by athile/ https://opengameart.org/content/seamless-grass-textures-20-pack / CC0
Good Old DOS by Daymarius/ https://fontesk.com/good-old-dos-typeface / OFL
Install instructions
- Windows: Run the .exe
- Android: Install the .apk
- macOS: Double-click the .dmg, drag the game into "Applications", and double-click it. Click "OK" when macOS tells you it can't be opened, navigate to System Settings > Privacy & Security, scroll to the bottom, and click "Open Anyways"
- Linux (untested): From a terminal: unzip MMMM.zip && cd MMMM; chmod +x MMMM; ./MMMM
- Everything else (iOS): Use the web version (worse graphics and some stutter, but it does work)
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